Commit be32915f authored by David Dempsey's avatar David Dempsey
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add instructions file

parent 77e4134e
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Python 2.7
PyFEHM ( - a Python library for use with the reservoir simulation code FEHM (
Running the software:
Unzip the file "" in the root directory.
The file is a library of Python classes and functions for approximating earthquake triggering and rupture on 1D faults with heterogeneous shear stress. Documentation on the code is limited although users are encouraged to inspect the commented source code.
An example script that simulates seismicity associated with an extended 2D flow solution is included "".
Dempsey, D, and J Suckale, (2016). Collective properties of injection-induced earthquake sequences: 1. Model description and directivity bias. J Geophys Res 121, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012550.
Dempsey, D, J Suckale, and Y Huang, (2016). Collective properties of injection-induced earthquake sequences: 2. Spatiotemporal evolution and magnitude frequency distribution. J Geophys Res 121, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012551.
Ampuero, J-P, J Ripperger, and PM Mai, (2006). Properties of dynamic earthquake ruptures with heterogeneous stress drop, in Radiated Energy and the Physics of Earthquake Faulting, Geophs Monogr Ser 70, ed: R Abercrombie, 3-13, AGU, Washington, DC.
Eshelby, JD, (1969). The elastic field of a crack extending non-uniformly under general anti-plane loading. J Mech Phys Solids 17, 177-199.
For further information, please contact the author, David Dempsey, at
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